Our leaders believe that life is all about money so they stack money in GP tank and in foreign account but they forget to understand that a mans wealth is not in the amount of money he has accumulated, but the amount of lives he has impacted there I a young man named tunde ola olwa Adekunle some people know him as tunded nut some know him as Mufasa some Mazi while to others he is the king maker. Tales have it that if he posts you on Instagram is as if God has decided to remember you. On the 20th of January was his birthday and his birthday was celebrated across several countries and states in Nigeria. People went about cooking food and calling people to come and eat some went out to do give away just in celebration of one man, and I was wandering what manner of love is this indeed this is not a kind of love that can be bought by money, it’s love that is as result of impact he is a lifter of men you can’t lift others and remain down in life. Say this after me. “I will not be selfish as I rise in life, I will not be selfish as I rise in life, I will raise others, I will raise others” God bless you. Amen