Do you know your wife 100%, no, and I don’t know my wife 100%, no. Does that mean you and I can’t have a relationship with our wives, because we don’t understand them 100% no. we have a wonderful relationship with our wives. In other words, you get to live with mystery. And I gat to live with mystery I’m going to have a horrible relationship with my wife. And you will have a horrible relationship with your wife to demand our wives tell me everything there is to know about them. They could they could never do that and I couldn’t grasp it. Well, that true bout our relationship with our wives and our children. How much more true is that about our relationship with God? Where on earth do I get this intellectual arrogance that says, unless God answers every question I’ve got, unless I can understand everything about God, I can’t believe if you do. You get a PHD in biology you know everything there is to know about biology, NO. If you do post-doc work in biology you know everything there is to know about in biology? No does anybody know everything there is to know about any area of life. Biology, chemistry history, psychology NO we have partial knowledge. And you better learn how to live with mystery if that’s true about every knowledge every branch of knowledge is going toe true about God you better get used to living with mystery, yeah.