If you eat one meal a day and fast one day out of a month you hardly ever get sick. He said but if you don’t want to ever get sick just eat one meal and then nothing the next day, and then eat one meal every other day think about that he said that the most you get sick once every two or three years he said, but if you want to take it to another level like the ancient patriarchs that lived to a 1000 years of age did you know that before Noah all the way from Adam to Noah the average life expectancy of man was 912 years of age, a regular years the way we count. Adam was 930 when he died the oldest man in the scriptures methuselah 969 how did you live to be almost a 1000, he ate one meal fasted three days and ate another meal food affects mood. We are what we think but we are also what we eat and if we have wrong diet we’re going to engage in the wrong activity