Vitamin D was discovered in 1913 by 1918 they were on to hey this stuff really works by 1920 ten years later everybody in America was taking 20mg a day and you know what happens our hospital emptied out. They had a medical emergency no one was getting sick so what the AMA and the FDA got together, and what they decided to do was to give seven medical student another vit D to kill a horse and of course the kids got sick right that was their excuse to remove Vit D from the shelf but because of the public uproar the president of the unites states had to commission the university of Chicago medical faculty under Dr frock to tell the world is vit D toxic? the study took years and in the meantime the FDA and the AMA got together and said we’ve got to stop people from taking the crucial vitamins A, D, and E, and so what we’re going to do we’re going to use the number psychology on the public the 20mg that the little lady takes every day is now 1,000,000 units and million units so what did they allow? 400UI and 400 is 1/100 of a mg not enough to do any good.